Saturday August 27th, 3pm
The work of Daniel Blaufuks (Lisbon, 1963) is largely photographic and has a strong and constant link with French literature. Thus, among his works, the series entitled “Attempting exhaustion” holds a major place. Initiated in 2009 and still in progress, the series, on which this first solo exhibition in a French photographic institution focuses, borrows its title from Georges Perec (1936-1982) and his famous “Tentative d’épuisement d’un lieu parisien” (1975).
In the manner of the French writer, who, from a café in Place Saint-Sulpice, meticulously recorded everything he saw, drank and ate, methodically recording “the banal, the everyday, the common, the background noise”, Daniel Blaufuks has been photographing tirelessly since 2009, the table and window of his kitchen in Lisbon. The exhibition presents a selection of photographs made at a daily pace from 2009 to 2022 by the artist. In the background, a presence is always in the image, that of the one who lives in this space and who decides, thanks to an object placed on the windowsill, a line of spring light that warms the table, to take the time to look.
In the space of Perec
Newspapers talk about everything except the daily (…) What really happens, what we live, the rest, everything else, where is it? But where is our life? Where is our body? Where is our space?
On the occasion of the Nuits Normandie Impressionniste, the Centre photographique Rouen Normandie offers a (re)discovery of the French writer – who died forty years ago – and his works, in dialogue with those of Daniel Blaufuks: listening to / seeing their resonances unfold in the exhibition space.
Lectimes (strolling readings) composed of selected extracts will highlight this shared appetite for extreme attention to the infra-ordinary and its manifestations. From 3pm, without reservation.
The afternoon will end with the reading of Tentative d’épuisement d’un lieu parisien, at 5pm, duration 45mn, with reservation.
Reading by Les Livreurs.
Photography: Daniel Blaufuks, 19 de Maio de 2016 2:26, Tentativa de esgotamento, Courtesy Jean-Kenta Gauthier Gallery, Paris and Vera Cortes, Lisbon
Free admission
02 35 89 36 96