Valérie Belin, « Sans titre », série Bouquets, 2008. Impression jet d’encres UV sur papier de coton, 155×122 cm (sans cadre), 187×154 cm (avec cadre). Courtesy Valérie Belin et galerie Nathalie Obadia, Paris/ Bruxelles.
Frédéric Stucin, Portrait de Valérie Belin. Courtesy de l’artiste et Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Paris/Bruxelles


Valérie Belin

Thursday 1 February 2024, 5.30pm
Auditorium of the Rouen Museum of Fine Arts

Flowers feature in many of the works by Valérie Belin (France, 1964), whether as the main subject (in the Fleurs series, 1998; Bouquets 2008) or as a motif on the surface (in the Black Eyed Susan I and II series, 2010-2013 or China Girls, 2018). From her Bouquets series, the work presented here is characteristic of the French artist’s signature: the choice of a specific black and white treatment, close to monochrome, and a larger-than-life, monumental scale.

In the end, what the artist is showing here has little to do with flowers. Neither its multiple symbolism, nor its elegance, are called upon here. The object of exploration is elsewhere: in the photograph itself, the artist seizing the palette offered by the choice of focal length, lighting, framing and degree of precision of the rendering. The bouquet lends its flowers, leaves, textures and cut-outs to the artist: it is the body of the bouquet that she reveals, its lines of tension, the balance of its masses, here radiating the flesh of the heart of the rose, there creating deep, confounding shadows. To linger in contemplation of this weightless photographic body is to rediscover photography laid bare.

Valérie Belin (1964) graduated from the École des Beaux-arts de Versailles (1983-1985) and the École nationale supérieure d’art de Bourges (1985-1988). Her work is exhibited all over the world and features in numerous public and private collections. She won the Prix Pictet in 2015 and exhibited at the MNAM – Centre Georges Pompidou the same year.

This talk is part of the Écoute l’artiste series organised by the Réseau arts visuels Rouen métropole. Lasting between an hour and an hour and a half, they are introduced and moderated by Tania Vladova, professor of aesthetics at ESADHaR – Rouen. They are free and take place in the auditorium of the Musée des Beaux-Arts, 26 bis, rue Jean Lecanuet 76000 Rouen.

Free admission. Limited number of places, booking essential:
02 35 89 36 96