À MON IMAGE, de l’autoportrait à l’autofiction
9th grade, 11th grade specializing in visual arts
10th grade pro Services to people and territories
Lycée Anguier (Eu); Lycée professionnel agricole (Neufchâtel-en-Bray)
Time of intervention :
50h of photographic workshop and 32h of writing workshop
writing workshop + residency time
Artists :
Jeanne Dubois-Pacquet (Caen) and Gabrielle Schaff (Le Havre)
Techniques :
Photography and writing
Device :
Partners :
Normandy Region, CEMEA
Process :
À mon image is an artistic journey composed of an exhibition and a cycle of workshops led by Jeanne Dubois-Pacquet. The artist conceives a workshop exploring, with the phone or the film camera, the genre of the self-portrait.
From reflections to discussions, the writer from Le Havre, Gabrielle Schaff, joins the project to lead writing workshops, continuing the games around an I, in the skin of another, human, animal, object… Over the course of the sessions, the students invest, in words and images, the creation of the self-image, its circulation and its meanings. The intentions when taking a self-portrait are described, highlighted and revealed. Session after session, from Chinese shadow to redaction, the fragmented (de)construction of their identity and that of the artist constantly shifts the perception of the “I”. The experience of photocollage concludes the creative process, allowing the students to freely transform and re-transform these scattered bits of identity.
Restitution :
Several types of images emerged during the workshops led by Jeanne Dubois-Paquet. A large folded poster was created to make the images produced visible and to read the text extracts written by the students during the workshops with Gabrielle Schaff.
Informations : info@centrephotographiquecom