Sophie Grassart & Charles Fréger
Tout Vert: costume and photography workshop
Carried out at the Jardin des Plantes in Rouen, the workshop deals with the theme of the wild man and more specifically here, the plant man. It invites the children to participate in the practice of volume, costume and staging for the photographic shot.
For this workshop, we are associating two artists from Rouen, Sophie Grassart, visual artist and designer of workshops for children within her structure, Tigre, and Charles Fréger, photographer. They will conduct the workshop together, combining Sophie Grassart’s work on volume and Charles Fréger’s work on images, who is also familiar with the theme, having devoted a book to the traditions of European rural masquerades.
After presenting the project to the children and placing the theme in the history of representations since Antiquity as well as in contemporary creation, the artists begin the work with the children: observation and collection are the first steps (materials cut by gardeners, but also straw and flowers are used). The artists engage the children in constructing their plant character, whose identity can be embodied in a full silhouette, a mask or a headdress.
The work on volume is followed by the elaboration of the staging and the photography: choice of the place, framing, lighting and then the shooting. The children actively participate in the construction of the image.
The photographs taken are then displayed in the Rosa Parks centre.
Rosa Parks Leisure Centre, Rouen left bank
Produced as part of the Un été culturel programme
in partnership with DRAC Normandie and the city of Rouen
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