Lorenzo Vitturi, Red Cotisso, Green Pigment, Wood in Arìn, Caminantes, 2019
Lorenzo Vitturi, Red Cotisso, Green Pigment, Wood in Arìn, Caminantes, 2019

Cécile HESSE & Gaël ROMIER


January – December 2020

“We plan to read the territory by looking for anthropized spaces suitable for reinterpretation. Our first explorations on google earth made us discover gravel pits, artificial dunes of blond sands, but also serial plantations, in particular poplar groves with almost identical individuals, places where we perceive the reality stuttering. We would like to settle in these places, to bring a baroque vision of the “human termite mound.” – Cécile Hesse and Gaël Romier.

The residency consists of a time of artistic practice workshops and a time of personal creation for the artists. These two times are part of the same dynamic: it is a question of considering the environment of the high school and its various landscapes and infrastructures through the prism of the poetic and artistic glance of Cécile Hesse and Gaël Romier. The eye is then awakened to the fantastic potential contained in these details that we no longer see. Everyday reality then becomes the breeding ground for fictions imagined by the students and visually staged up to their photographic, inspired by science fiction and space exploration of a Space Opera.

The restitution was made in the form of a slide show projection gathering all the participants, conceived as a mini film emphasizing the formal kinship sought with science fiction.

The artistic residency “Space Opera” led by the agri-food and agricultural high school of Yvetot (Seine-Maritime) and the Rouen Normandy Photographic Center takes place within the framework of the Twinning program. It is financed by the Direction régionale des affaires culturelles de Normandie and the Direction régionale de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture et de la forêt de Normandie.

Information : info@centrephotographique.com