Audience :
Second and third grade students

Location : 
Marie Duboccage School, Jardin Saint Sever (Rouen)

Time of intervention :
25h of photographic workshop, 25h of ceramic workshop

Artists :
Marion Dutoit (Le Havre), Baptiste Rabichon (Paris)

Techniques :
Photography, ceramics

Device :
Entre les Images (Diagonal)

Partners :
Diagonal, DRAC

Process :
As part of this Jungle project, two artists intervene to conduct photography and ceramic workshops. Two classes participate in each workshop.

The photography workshop led by Baptiste Rabichon begins with a visit to the Jardin des plantes de Rouen accompanied by a botanist, during which the children collect a variety of plants for the rest of the workshop.

Back at school, two workshops take place in parallel. One half of the class makes photograms in a room transformed into a film laboratory, while the other half takes photographs in the studio, using reverse projections to create shadow puppets.

The ceramics workshop led by Marion Dutoit begins with the discovery of books on the fauna of Normandy. The children, divided into small groups, choose a set of animals that can be identified in the Jardin St Sever (bees, ants, cats, mice, owls, etc.) which they will then reproduce, first by drawing them, then by cutting and pasting them, before making them in ceramic. The clay is shaped like bas-reliefs, cut out and then decorated by the children with various tools and techniques, as well as with colored clay.

Restitution :
After the ceramics are fired and the photographs are printed, the works created by the students with the artists are installed on the walls and railings of the school and the Jardin St Sever.

Informations : info@centrephotographiquecom