Christophe Maout
The Transfigured Landscape
January – December 2020
The workshop organized by the photographer Christophe Maout, “The Transfigured Landscape”, invites students to question the representation of the transformation of the landscape through the various activities present on the school’s grounds, by means of staging, reenactment and editing. The students are solicited in the conception of the paintings and also as models, playing their own role and contributing to the effect of anti-theatrical plausibility in a poetic representation of reality.
The workshop draws on pictorial representations created from the 17th century (the year the estate was founded) to the 19th century, from Nicolas Poussin to Millet, Courbet, and Van Gogh, to create contemporary and personal versions of the landscape with a figure, circumscribed in the form of a painting.
This personal and collective work is presented during the exhibition Eden, the transfigured landscape, in the chapel of the Domaine de Chambray, until September 19. Visit by appointment at 0232356170.
The artistic residency “Le paysage transfiguré” (The Transfigured Landscape) led by the Lycée d’Enseignement Général et Technologique Agricole, Edouard de Chambray, Gouville (Eure) and the Centre Photographique Rouen Normandie takes place within the framework of the Jumelages program. It is financed by the Direction régionale des affaires culturelles de Normandie and the Direction régionale de l’alimentation, de l’agriculture et de la forêt de Normandie.
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