Anne Lefebvre
Objets d’usage et milieux d’images
Thursday, November 15, 10:30 am
Anne Lefebvre will explore the relevance of a gesture of ex-hibition of the object which, removing it from an agreed use, reinserts it in a new configuration of use; a gesture which organizes or manifests its possible future, such as a reality endowed with a quasi-subjective existence, available to the staging; a gesture that reveals its essential role of corporal extension but also of mediation of our relation to the natural and social world; a gesture that, finally, authorizes us to think how much these created objects that we believe residual or lost, constitute still a medium of objects-images with which we imagine.
Anne Lefebvre (1978) is an associate professor and doctor of philosophy. After having devoted her doctoral thesis (under the direction of F. Worms) to the theory of the image and to the problem of invention in Gilbert Simondon, she continued her research, notably in the direction of design and architecture. Program director at the Collège International de Philosophie since 2013, she is now a lecturer at the École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay where she directs the Centre de recherche en design.
As part of the Écoute l’artiste cycle, Rrouen / ESADHaR
In the auditorium of the Musée des Beaux-arts
26 bis rue Jean Lecanuet, Rouen
Free admission, upon reservation at 02 35 89 36 96
or info@centrephotographique.com
Photograph : Nonsense soldier, Bal Métal, Bauhaus, 1929